Before you get going on your new work and creative year take a moment to do a bit of big dreaming. This is a great time of year for vision boarding, wish lists and goal setting. Give your self a kickstart fuelled by your highest hopes and juiciest ideas. To help you with your dreaming you can download and print out the following free worksheet and find your self somewhere inspiring to tap into your big plans for 2016. My-Best-Creative-2016-Worksheet

Juicy Ideas to Explore – Get them out of your head and onto paper. All those exciting ideas that have been waking you in the wee hours and got you buzzing. You don’t have to do them all this year but it’s a great place to start when picking out your 2016 priorities and setting goals to inspire.

Room to Grow – This is a chance to chose the seeds you want to plant and nurture this year. Reflect on the personal skills, business areas, ideas, relationships or creative concepts you want to nourish. Think about the courses, training, workshops and support you want to invest in for growth in your whole creative life.

Where I’ll be in 12 months time – Send yourself in an imaginary time machine into the future. Imagine the inspired year you are about to live in review. Visualise the achievements, growth, wins, lessons and creative output. Picture yourself in your ideal year in advance. See it, taste it, smell it and feel it on all levels.

How to Make a Vision Board


The Alchemy of a Well Laid Plan – 5 tips for manifesting your dream creative business