Make your own vision board!

Vision boarding is a super fun way to visually explore ideas. I love to do this as a social activity with a group of friends and it’s the perfect starting point for all of my retreats to kick start the creative flow. You can pick a specific topic, section out your board for different parts of your life or just use your intuition and see what you’re drawn to. Here’s what you need to make yours;

  1. Get yourself a board to build on. I use heavy card on retreat for ease of travel but mounting board and even paper is great as long as paper will adhere to it with just a glue stick.

  2. Get a mountain of magazines. I love house magazines, inflight travel mags, magazines with beautiful paper stock.

  3. Get together paints, pens, glitter, stickers, sketch paper and bits and pieces that will allow you to add your own crafty touch, write inspirational phrases or words or just deepen the creative fun.

  4. Grab your scissors and start going through magazines cutting out all the images that speak to your heart and imagination.

  5. Arrange your favourites and using a glue stick secure them in place.

  6. Put the board somewhere where you can visually check in with it and use it to stay focused and inspired.