Personally, I’m a huge fan of “manifesting”. Living in hippy heartland Byron Bay Australia, I’ve been known to organise the occasional full moon and new moon group manifesting session! I love a new notebook and pack of glitter pens writing lists, plotting, planning and imagining. I’m not talking about the style of manifesting made famous by The Secret. I’m not much of an advocate of the “making a vision board then sitting on your arse waiting for the new sports car/million dollar check/weight loss/soul mate to materialise whilst you watch reruns of Oprah and The Secret Movie in your pyjamas” style of manifesting. If you can pull that off, great, but that’s not my bag.
I’m all about clear, positive intention setting. Vision boards used in the right way are actually fantastic for creatives who are often visual learners. Using our fertile imaginations and visionary abilities to visualise can be nothing short of magic for artists. For me, the fruits of these sorts of sessions are the ideal backbone for making an inspiring action plan. Done right they provide clarity and vision and really do have a certain magic to them. Lots of studies have been done into the power of visualisation and intention setting and its ability to impact outcomes and in my own experience the results have been nothing short of alchemy.
- Create The Space – Find somewhere that inspires you, makes you feel safe, calm and happy. There are no rules as to where to do your manifesting. My top spots are the corner of my favourite café and around my lounge room coffee table with friends. Turn off the mobile, TV and any disturbing noise. Get a babysitter. If you’re doing it in a group, surround yourself with believers!
- Clear Your Mind – Turn off all the voices that tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, what you can or can’t do or any other negative self talk that is limiting and fear based. Invite them back later if you must but for this process they are not welcome. Imagine you have a magic fairy on your shoulder that could grant any wish you have and make true any dream you can imagine. Hers/his is the only voice allowed during this session.
- Stay Positive – Make sure you ALWAYS use positive language. I.e. “don’t procrastinate” might be “get things done”. The brain tends to tune into key words and we want our brains to tune into the desired outcome i.e. “get things done” not “procrastinate”. We want “do” phrases not “don’t”!
- Be Very, Very Clear – Be clear with time frames, if you want something now use the present tense, if you want it in the future put a deadline. Be specific. If you want to have 2 gigs a week to an attentive crowd or that are paid or whatever, write that . Otherwise “2 gigs a week” may be the back corner of the RSL next to the pokies and a jaunt at the local nursing home. Fine if that’s what you’re after but if it’s not articulate exactly what you’re dreaming of. Remember you have a magic fairy on your shoulder. Everything is possible.
- Check In – Now use this list to check in with. You have created this vision and now you want to make it come true. This for me is how the magic happens. If you are engaging in something that doesn’t fit in with your vision be very sure you want to continue with it. By keeping your energy and focus on what you do want you will find these things coming onto your radar and into your life.
I am available to facilitate 1 on 1 and group “manifesting” sessions to assist in setting goals and creating a vision for your creative business. Join me for Left of Centre, a full weekend of business and career planning, including vision and goal setting. Rather work with me one on one? I provide personal consultations via Skype, phone or face to face for local creatives at the special introductory rate of only AU$88/hr. Email me to discuss!
For more on this topic check out these articles on the science of visualisation.
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