Review the year that has just been.

Before you get your 2016 started, take a moment to look back over 2015 and take stock of where you’ve already travelled. Investing time and attention on reviewing what you achieved and learnt in 2015 will give this year a big boost. To make it even easier I’ve included a totally free worksheet to get you going on your 2015 review.  As creatives all aspects of our creative life are connected so try a holistic and interconnected look at your business, personal life and creative fulfillment. This is an opportunity to take a birdseye view of your whole creative life and creative being.  So grab yourself a cuppa and a peaceful spot and reflect on the past 12 months. 2015-Review-Worksheet
The Wins – Where did things go great? Think big and small from critical accolades and major acheivements to smaller details that contributed to your best creative life.
The Challenges – Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the areas that were tough, roadblocks you hit and areas that challenged you. In becoming more aware of where your trouble spots are you can become more aware of how to better support yourself and grow this year.
The Big Lessons – Being in your most conscious and activated creative life is a massive learning curve. Action is often the most potent teacher so don’t forget to take stock of the lessons you learnt along the way last year.
The Kind Words – Many of us creative are sensational at taking on board and fretting the negative feedback and a little hopeless at allowing the positives to infiltrate. Take a moment to reflect on the kinds of positive feedback you received in 2015.
Finding it tricky to pin point your wins? This article might help.

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