Attention uber confident creating Mamas, there is nothing to see here, you can go about your business, move along! Actually maybe send me an email about how you do what you do first so I can share ideas with other mamas out there! But for Mamas who experienced a seismic shift in their creative experience within the seismic shift of becoming a parent there may be something here for you.
When I was pregnant with my first son, I wandered into a book shop and stumbled upon a book called “The Divided Heart”. It was all about maintaining a creative career in the wake of motherhood. The book struck fear and inspiration into me in equal measures. With stories from some of my Australian arts role models (Nikki Gemmel and Clare Bowditch to name a couple), I wondered how I, with an emerging (read, no money, limited following, lots of work) music career and no access to nannies or time rich family members, would balance the creative air I breathe with my imminent mothering responsibilities. I had no idea what a journey this would actually be.
Re-entering the creative world PC (post children), a space where I had once been so comfortable and confident, was for me very confronting. I walked into once familiar settings like a whole different person. So profoundly changed was I by motherhood, it was like being reborn into all the old insecurities and uncertainties I had when I first started out, only this time in a fatter, older, tireder, more sober body. Recently I stumbled upon some blogs I wrote for a blog that was never fully birthed called “Rock Mama” (maybe someday soon). I cringed at the desperate undercurrent as I read them and then, as a now more experienced PC creative mum, thought maybe they were worth sharing with some of you out there. So here you have them. I can tell you that this phase did pass for me but while I was there I felt very isolated and challenged by reinventing myself as a Mama Creative. I hope these blogs resonate with some of you and help you feel a bit less alone in your mum/creator journey.
So step back in time with me to a distant land called 2010, where I was new to mamahood and MySpace was still a thing.
Fake Coffee (My first industry event PC)
Practice With Toddler Underfoot (otherwise entitled “Hey Mum! How much fun is it when I post picks through the guitar strings while you’re trying to practice?!”)
Get a babysitter! (it’s worth it)
Wonderful Arty Women and Creative Mammas, how does a week of getting your creative flow on this July while relaxing and being nurtured in luscious Bali sound? Check out our sneak peek Creativity Retreat video!
Women’s Creativity Retreat, Ubud Bali, July 19 – July 26, 2015
Mama’s Creativity Retreat (childfriendly), Ubud Bali, July 29 – August 5, 2015
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