So you want to get paid for your art?! Awesome, we need more of you out there! Here are 5 things you need to keep in mind when going from hobby to professional and slapping a price tag on your creative work. 


  1. Be professional
    Make sure your goods and services are at a professional quality. No one wants to go to a café and pay $5 for instant coffee. Make sure you deserve your price tag.
  1. Act Like it’s your Job
    If you want your art to be your job then you have to treat it like one. That means committing to a regular routine, meeting deadlines, being on time and showing up for your customers clean, well presented and sober.
  1. Know and Communicate Your Value
    Know what problem you solve for the person paying you and communicate how and why you are the ideal solution.
  1. Brand Yourself Properly
    No-name products are often the same product as the big name brands minus the pretty packaging and price tag. It’s had to be inspired to fork out good money when you are met with a crappy website, shoddy business card and a lackluster image.
  1. Price Yourself For The Market
    Know your market and what people are willing to pay. Make sure you’re comparing apples with apples too in terms of materials, skill level and quality. Don’t charge too low and put your value in question but don’t price yourself out of the market, no-one will download your song for $2 when itunes has set the price at $1.69.

Now go forth and reel in the cash!


business for creatives made easy