So often people really want to argue with me on this one. They are in the habit of jumping from idea to idea, sold the lie of working when “inspiration strikes”, multitasking or convinced that routines and systems don’t or can’t apply to them. The research is solid both in terms of productivity and creativity. Multitasking is a timewasting lie and quantity is also the key to creative quality. Setting aside creating time and working no matter your mood actually leads to better quality art. Keeping your time focused on batched tasks and creating a rhythm is the key. Here are 5 tips to help you with your weekly schedule.
1. Try It Out
There are many barriers real and self created that can get in the way of setting up a weekly schedule but before you knock it, try it. Commit for a month and observe how it works for your creative life. I understand this can be tricky for those of you working shift, seasonal or on call. If that’s you then do your scheduling weekly and make the days interchangeable to allow for unpredictability. Map out your average week and test run for a week or two.
2. Batch tasks
Group certain types of tasks together. It will increase your productivity and work to your strengths and rhythm. Cluster your to dos and work on them separately, think online, admin, face to face, creating, personal life done at different times. You can read more about batching here.
3. Tune into your personal rhythm
A lot of study has been done into mornings being the most productive time of day. That’s definitely the case for me but definitely not for a lot of the people I work with. Work out what times of day are best for what tasks. Tune into your mind, body, energy cycles and work out what jobs are best done when.
4. Create triggers
Use different spaces to trigger your brain into different work modes. This gets your brain on board with the task at hand and is a proven method of getting you into the zone quicker. I do most of my writey, writey work (that requires total focus) at my local café. My busy, busy work is done standing up at a bench in my living room. Rehearsing I do in any of the various band member music spaces and when we’re really going hard in a rented studio. I do phone calls on my verandah or in the garden. Just being in these spaces gets me in the right head space.
5. Get a life
Don’t forget to schedule in life. Walks on the beach, coffee with friends, exercise, date nights are all a part of your weekly life. Keep the balance between all aspects of your life and personality. This will keep your inspiration finely tuned, your energy levels high and your life so much more fulfilling!
For more help getting organized check out my Time Tools for Arty Types and download my free fillable templates.
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