Not business as usual


A human-centric approach to business planning in a hurried technological world. A day for rediscovering hope, purpose and agency in your business through all seasons.

How do we maintain, discover and rediscover purpose and meaning in life and business when the world is increasingly hurried and, in a tech driven age, in-human.
This intensive is a human-centric approach to planning for your small business aimed to spark and rekindle hope for a new future of possibilities in a way that is deeply whole human focussed. 

This workshop will send you home with – 

Small steps to supporting your nervous system and mental health as you to better manage adversity and change.

A tune in and reclassification of your business vision and mission.

A gentle, short term, goal oriented strategy designed to bring ideal and achievable forward momentum.

Excerpt from “Atlas of The Heart” – Brene Brown

“Hope, Hopelessness, and Despair

We need hope like we need air. To live without hope is to risk suffocating on hopelessness and despair, risk being crushed by the belief that there is no way out of what is holding us back, no way to get to what we desperately need. But hope is not what most of us think it is. It’s not a warm, fuzzy emotion that fills us with a sense of possibility. Hope is a way

of thinking-a cognitive process. Yes, emotions play a role, but hope is made up of what researcher C. R. Snyder called a “trilogy of goals, pathways, and agency.

We experience hope when:


We have the ability to set realistic goals (I know where I want to go).


We are able to figure out how to achieve those goals, including  the ability to stay flexible and develop alternative pathways (I know how to get there, I’m persistent, and I can tolerate disappointment and try new paths again and again).


We have agency~we believe in ourselves (I can do this!).”



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