Recently, I ran my Creative Visioning Workshop again. It always blows me away how profound this work around vision clarity is. It really is like magic when it comes to creating a business and a life you feel deeply passionate about and fulfilled by. I could regale you with stories of how vision has weaved transformation for so many of my clients but thought I’d instead focus on three creatives whose vision really inspires me and whose creative contribution to the world reflects how powerful this one technique can be to transform your life.
The first is Bill Withers. He is, musically, one of my biggest idols and he never ceases to awe me with his humble attitude and holistic look at life. Rising to fame in his mid thirties he had a string of number one hits only to take a step back from the limelight so he could focus on being with his family. And while he still writes and records, he has opted out of what could have continued to be a prolific career as a touring performer. His documentary, ‘Still Bill‘, and this interview provide some huge insights.
I was lucky enough to attend a story sharing in my local Byron area with my second inspiring visionary, Rhoda Roberts, a local indigenous woman whose CV reads like an artsworkers dream. From TV acting and journalism, indigenous programming at the Opera house and head honcho at Boomerang Festival to having played a key part in the artistic direction of the 2000 Olympic opening ceremony. Her vision for the arts as a whole and the capacity of the arts to create real change for indigenous Australia is beyond inspiring. This interviewis a peek into the mindblowing life and mind of this visionary culture maker and shaker.
The third person is Tim Minchin. If you haven’t seen ‘Matilda: The Musical’ then get out there and do so. It’s hilarious, insightful, and everything good music theatre should be. Bring on his next mad venture, Groundhog Day the musical! His documentary, ‘Rock Nerd‘, gives so much insight into his journey along a creative path truly aligned to his goals as an artist and performer. Identifying a need to have an impactful reach, playing to half sold out crowds at comedy bars just didn’t cut it. His career has gone from strength to super strength given to his amazing clarity of vision and relentless commitment.
For Australian creatives who could do with more vision clarity check out my Creative Visioning workshop and email me Christina@christinagiorgio.comto schedule one in for your creative community.
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